Informal Recreation Hours

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Unstructured Opportunities to Play The Sports You Love 

The Informal Rec department offers unstructured opportunities to participate in sports and fitness activities, by providing the necessary space and equipment for free! It is the ideal alternative for those looking to stay in shape with a non-structured program at The WELL. Some of those activities include: badminton, basketball, racquetball, soccer and volleyball. Below is the general semester schedule, however the schedule is subject to change. 

Informal Recreation Schedule 

While the Gym Box is closed for the Event Center Project, all Informal Recreation will be held in the MAC Court. The schedule changes every week, click below for the upcoming schedule and/or consult the hallway monitors in The WELL. Please consult the hallway monitors for any adjusted hours including holidays, breaks, and special events. 

Click here to view the Upcoming Informal Rec Schedule


Racquetball Courts

The WELL has four racquetball courts! Racquet courts are first come, first served.  All equipment needed is available for checkout at the Equipment Desk.